This is NOT a biography! This is a fantasy novel with a great advnture about a man named Liam who leaves a bad situation and becomes a minstrel, a wonderful minstrel who creates the art of "yakking," pattering rhymes. It takes heroic qualities of Young Thug, while keeping the quirks that make him interesting, and making a hero based on him. Any fan of Young Thug will definitely see him in the hero, and anyone who doesn't know Young Thug will just enjoy a great story.
This is Renee, the author of King Cobra, and here's the story behind how I wrote a story with the hero based on Young Thug. It all started when an old friend from high school came over to my house to get a book to read, as I'd told him I write. He saw books I'd written across my entire mantle, and all the books my family had written too. He was very interested in how I got into writing and how we read as a family and worked on stories together. He encouraged me to market the books, and I explained that I can't sell water in the desert. He said he'd talk to a few people.
A few months later, he met with me, my husband, and someone who works at YSL Records. I will call the man "Ty," as I haven't asked permission to use his name. Ty had read two of my books, enjoyed them, and was very impressed with the speed I can write, as I'd written at least eight novels in the past year. He asked me if I could write a story where the hero was a rapper, loved snakes, had several baby mommas, and wore dresses for six years. I responded that it sounded like a fun challenge. Ty told me some of Young Thug's good qualities, how he came up from nothing and how he helped many people.
I took the challenge, did as much research as I could on Young Thug, and started writing. Fifteen days later, Ty met with me and my husband again. He wanted to see what I'd done so far and give me more information on Young Thug. He was surprised to see that I had completed the rough draft of the book. He asked for a copy. I made a few changes in the next twenty-four hours to get a few details more correct, and sent him a pdf the next day. Then the wait came.
I didn't get a response quickly, as Young Thug dropped an album and went on tour. I was so nervous. I am not the type of person who thinks everything I do is good. I'm the type who will throw out thirty-thousands words or forty hours of work because I'm not happy with what I've done. I did a few edits. I even recorded an audiobook, as Young Thug was very busy, so an audiobook would be easier to take the time on.
Finally, I got word that Jeffrey Williams, Sr., who is Young Thugs father and head of YSL Records, wanted to talk to me. Again, I was so nervous, but had no reason to be, as Jeffrey was so nice and put me at ease very quickly. I talked to him on the phone with Ty and my husband, and was so excited when he told me that they loved the book and Cobra was going to happen! I was so excited, my dream of getting my name out and books published finally coming true. I knew it would take time, so the next thing I had to do was wait again.
A few months later, when my husband asked my friend about the progress of the publication, he responded that we'd better read the headlines. That sounded omnious. We quickly found out about Young Thug's arrest. I know nothing of the alleged crimes and do not want to get involved there. What I do know is that Young Thug made an interesting hero, and you definitely want to read the book when it comes out. Unfortunately, due to the situation, this book isn't released yet. Hopefully, it will be soon.
If you have a name big enough to sell books, talk to us about making you into a hero of a novel. This is a great legacy, great publicity, and very low risk. We are actively looking for stars with heroic qualities to make into heroes.