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Defenders of the Cosmos 1: Target: Earth

Defenders of the Cosmos 1: Target: Earth

Science Ficton

$14.99 paperback

Flint and his siblings have known for years that their father was an alien. It's pretty obvious since they have super powers, but they never expected that their dad was a super soldier who was being hunted by the enemy, or that they would have to defend earth to keep it from being destroyed.The Diophants are a terrifying enemy. They show no mercy. They expand their empire by incorporating planets under their control or destroying them. With their ability to manipulate space, they can open wormholes, destroy planets, and even alter gravity. Flint and his siblings have powers. In fact they are local super heroes. Flint can create fire and plasma. His twin sister, Aqua can breath underwater. Onyx is super strong, and his twin, Ariel, can fly and take a lightning strike. Yet, despite their powers, they are no match for the Diophants, but it is up to them to face them and save earth.

Available on Amazon in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.

Page Count: 317 Word Count: 77,000

Defenders of the Cosmos 2: Mission: Freedom

Defenders of the Cosmos 2: Mission: Freedom

Science Fiction

$14.99 paperback

Saving earth was only the beginning of Flint's troubles, as his daring moves alerted the Diophants of his power, and he is now being hunted, along with everyone he loves. This time, Flint must do more than save the earth. He must take down the Diophants and free the cosmos. The situation becomes so extreme, that even he doesn't know if he can take the heat.Flint, Aqua, Ariel, Onyx, and Samuel are all back fighting to save the earth from an enemy strong enough to destroy planets. Don't miss this great urban sci fi that is fun for the whole family!

Available on Amazon in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.

Page Count: 317 Word Count: 76,000

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