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Rejected Book 1: The Fall

Rejected Book 1: The Fall

Eclectic -- Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopia, ...

$14.99 paperback

Some books make it big and the characters become famous. Other characters don't get the breaks and get cast into the world of the rejected. When Varen is thrown into the realm of the rejected, he finds that life is hard and no author is there to stop the evil that is destroying the land and everyone in it. Varen must join the heroes to help fight for what is right, even though he knows he has no author to help him win and will get no fame or glory.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.

Page Count: 359 Word Count: 85,000

Rejected Book 2: The Ascent

Rejected Book 2: The Ascent

Eclectic -- Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopia, ...

$14.99 paperback

Varen, Nightcrawler, Sert, and the rest of the team have defeated Kondor and saved Lila from him, but their troubles are far from over. Goddard is still after Raven and trying to become a god. Absolon is still mercilessly controlling people, forcing them to do his every biddng against their wills, and the Raiders are ever attacking. Even if the party can stop all of them, new rejections bring new villains. Yet, the party has to try to turn the grim dark world of the realm of the rejected into a happy ending, but only Cupcake thinks they can. If there is any hope, Varen is going to have to master his magic.

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.

Page Count: 347 Word Count: 82,000

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