To protect his life, Prince Darin must face evil. To protect his kingdom, he must resist it!He must resist evil, or it will grow. Prince Darin is the child of prophecy. He's always known that, but now that strange things are happening, can he rise to the expectations? Help will find him in the form of a giant gnome, and unusually talented acrobat, and a girl who everyone seems to want dead. The prophecy has begun to come true, and everything they know hangs in the balance.
Page Count: 439 Word Count: 135,500
To protect the kingdoms, Darin must see out evil. To destroy it, he must fulfill the prophecy. He must seek out evil, or it will rise! The ultimate evil is best stopped before it is released.Darin must seek the sword of the rose, a fate he's known about since he was young and his birthmark showed his was destined to fulfill the prophecy all awaited. Where he seeks for power to do good, his enemies seek power for their own profit, for control and power. The Heroes Trilogy is epic fantasy that is a great read for fantasy lovers of all ages. Packed with action and adventure, this series will delight those wanting an exciting read. Enjoy it with the family.
Page Count: 335 Word Count: 78,000
To fulfill the prophecy, Darin must find the sword of the rose. To protect his kingdom, he must be worthy to wield it. He must destroy evil, or it will rule! The world is in jeopardy, and its fate rests upon Darin.The epic saga comes to an end in this exciting climax where the prophecy is finally fulfilled. Enjoy the action packed adventure with your whole family.
Page Count: 379 Word Count: 90,000